如何设置有效时间段为Android C2DM消息?时间段、如何设置、有效、消息

2023-09-04 07:30:31 作者:你最爱的CD


I would like to implement a feature that only delivers messages to devices at specific periods. After the valid time, messages would be abandoned. Can anyone suggest me how to do this?


谷歌刚刚发布C2DM的新版本名为的谷歌云消息(GCM)在I / O 2012年随着GCM它可以定义一个超时的消息。

Google just released a new version of c2dm called "Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)" at I/O 2012. With GCM its possible to define a timeout for your messages.

GCM TTL部分: http://developer.android.com/导/谷歌/ GCM / adv.html#TTL

GCM ttl section: http://developer.android.com/guide/google/gcm/adv.html#ttl

您可以找到我的答案在这里一个类似的问题: http://stackoverflow.com/a/9709944/789738

You can find my answer to a similiar question here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/9709944/789738