
2023-09-04 07:21:59 作者:謸氕づ独尊


I need to crop a picture using a resizeable rectangle based on user touch events. I'm completely stuck here. I'm doing this because the crop intent feature isn't supported by all devices (So creating my own)


I have the original image as a bitmap and it's displayed on the screen as an image view.


Now what I need to do next is have a rectangle (already know size it needs to be) that can be resized and moved for the user to crop the image (Say get a face).

有谁知道这个简单的教程? (不是code一个极大线),或者甚至是code?

Does anyone know a simple tutorial on this? (not a gazillion lines of code) or even the code?


Also is it possible to implement another self contained crop class or library (I'm fairly new to Android).


CropImage 一直对我太好了。