
2023-09-04 23:19:35 作者:待你如初恋

我使用的TrackBar WinForms应用程序。背景色属性可以改变,但这样做使得每一个滴答几乎看不见的颜色。我没有看到一个明确的属性修改嘀的颜色。有我丢失的东西或方法来改变刻度的颜色?

I have a winforms app using a trackbar. The BackColor property is available for change, but doing so makes the color of each "tick" almost invisible. I don't see an explicit property to modify the color of the "tick". Is there something I am missing or a way to change the color of the tick?



TrackBar is a wrapper around a native Windows control. Like most native controls, it draws itself using the system colors as selected by the user. You can't change it yourself. Beyond making your own control, there's nothing you can do but pick a contrasting background color. Which typically ought to be the same color as the container. Which typically is a system color as well ("Control").


A consistent look-and-feel between different applications was considered an asset. It arguably is, users like to pick a custom theme and expect programs to change accordingly.
