
2023-09-04 23:11:19 作者:淡抹`烟熏妆

我有一个应用程序,它由一个服务的且可由特定事件的服务被启动的活性。该服务可以创建和放大器;使用AudioRecord和放大器; AudioTrack类 - 此时将显示应用程序的活动。问题是,如果活动被暂停(即,在onPause()被调用),我开始获取RecordThread:缓冲区溢出错误

I have an application which consists of a service and an activity that may be started by the service for certain events. The service may create & use the AudioRecord & AudioTrack classes - at which time the application's Activity is displayed. The problem is if the Activity is paused (i.e., onPause() is called) I start getting the RecordThread: buffer overflow errors?


My guess is the AudioRecorder is running in the main thread. And, even though it was created by the service, when the Activity pauses reading stops thus the buffer overflows? Must the AudioRecorder reading be done in a separate thread even though it is running in the service?

任何帮助将是很大的AP preciated,谢谢。

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.



The RecordThread buffer overflows happen when you aren't pulling the data from the AudioRecord object fast enough.


You should definitely have the loop that pulls data from the AudioRecord object in a sperate thread, and you should stop that thread if your activity gets paused (unless you want to record in the background.)


Here are a couple examples of working implementations:

而-dev的例子 StackOverflow例如 And-dev example StackOverflow example