
2023-09-04 23:02:34 作者:天杀的可爱

我'试图让libgdx游戏,ADN我已经得到了2个问题,现在: 1.当使用camera.setToOrtho(假,GAME_WIDTH,GAME_HEIGHT)即时通讯;我的球员textrure是歪歪,一只眼睛大于另一个。 2.使用即时通讯这台相机和viweport:

I'am trying to make libgdx game, adn i've got 2 problems now: 1. When im using camera.setToOrtho(false, GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT); my textrure of player is distored, one eye is bigger than another. 2. Im using this camera and viweport:

camera= new OrthographicCamera(GAME_WIDTH,GAME_HEIGHT);
camera.setToOrtho(false, GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT);
viewport = new StretchViewport(GAME_WIDTH,GAME_HEIGHT,camera); 


System.out.println(touchPos.x+" "+ touchPos.y);

我得到0 0在右上角,但我的性格巫线0 0是图中左下角。

I get 0 0 in right top corner but my character witch cords 0 0 is drawing in left bottom corner.


 game.camera = new OrthographicCamera(820,480);
game.viewport = new FillViewport(820,480,game.camera);


i must use game.batch.setProjectionMatrix(game.camera.combined);


when i use this code i've got corectly working unproject method and coordinate system but i've got distored texture.


camera = new PerspectiveCamera();
viewport = new StretchViewport(900, 470, camera);


i've got distored texture and bad coords system. and i can 't use :game.batch.setProjectionMatrix(game.camera.combined);



It is distorted because you are using a fixed width and height for the camera, so it simply stretches to fit whatever size window/screen you're putting it on.


Incidentally, StretchViewport does the same thing (distorts the scene to fit the dimensions you gave it to the window). But you just created a viewport without actually calling update() on it, so it's not doing anything.


You most likely want to use ExtendViewport or FillViewport to avoid stretching, but other options are available. Read about them here.

您的视口将无法正确地响应屏幕旋转(或桌面窗口调整大小),除非你把 viewport.update(宽,高)进入调整大小的方法。而且你要叫更新上它至少一次不分,使用实际屏幕尺寸。这是最方便的,只需把 viewport.update(宽,高)进入调整大小的方法。

Your viewport won't properly respond to screen rotations (or desktop window resize) unless you put viewport.update(width,height) into the resize method. And you have to call update on it at least once regardless, using the actual screen dimensions. This is most convenient by simply putting viewport.update(width,height) into the resize method.