
2023-09-04 22:57:51 作者:清欢

无法安装Java 7(安装人员拒绝)。

Can't install Java 7 (installer refuses).

可以安装Java 8。

Can install Java 8.

但随后开始Android的工作室,它说,它需要安装传统的JDK 6,它是不会为我工作,因为我们的项目已经1.7。

But then starting Android Studio, it says it needs to install the legacy JDK 6, which is not going to work for me because our projects are already 1.7.


我们现在有一个描述做什么的官方网页: http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/configuration/osx-jdk

We now have an official page describing what to do: http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/configuration/osx-jdk


Please, please don't edit Info.plist; that has many downsides (including broken patches and application signatures breaking etc). As of Android Studio 1.0 we have a different way of setting the JDK to be used by the IDE.