
2023-09-04 22:55:58 作者:岁月嫣然


I need to know how to override the Add-method of a certain Dictionary in a certain static class. Any suggestions?


If it matters, the dictionary looks like this:

public static Dictionary<MyEnum,MyArray[]>



您不能覆盖​​添加 词典&LT的方法;,&GT; ,因为它是不虚。您可以通过添加一个方法具有相同名称/签名在派生类中隐藏它,但隐藏是不一样的压倒一切的。如果有人强制转换为基类,他仍然会叫错添加

You can't override the Add method of Dictionary<,> since it's non virtual. You can hide it by adding a method with the same name/signature in the derived class, but hiding isn't the same as overriding. If somebody casts to the base class he will still call the wrong Add.

要做到这一点,正确的方法是创建自己的类实现的IDictionary&LT;,&GT; (界面),但的的一个词典&LT;,&GT; (类)来代替的是的一个词典&LT;,&GT;

The correct way to do this is to create your own class that implements IDictionary<,> (the interface) but has a Dictionary<,> (the class) instead of being a Dictionary<,>.

class MyDictionary<TKey,TValue>:IDictionary<TKey,TValue>
  private Dictionary<TKey,TValue> backingDictionary;

  //Implement the interface here
  //Delegating most of the logic to your backingDictionary