使用Amazon SQS的.NET应用程序示例示例、应用程序、Amazon、SQS

2023-09-04 22:55:08 作者:止步于喜欢


I am looking for a sample .Net application that continuously checks Amazon SQS for new messages and when one is found, perform an action and remove it from the queue.


My goal is to have an app running on EC2 that watches my SQS queue for new messages. When one is found, a call will be made to one of several web based APIs and the message will be deleted from the queue.


Can someone point me to an example of something similar ?

修改 请问这种类型的应用最好创建一个Windows服务?

edit Would this type of application best be created as a windows service?


在 AWS SDK的.NET 功能样本数亚马逊网络服务,包括的亚马逊SQS样品的,它的演示了如何使基本要求亚马逊使用AWS SDK的.NET SQS 的。

The AWS SDK for .NET features samples for several Amazon Web Services, including an Amazon SQS Sample, which demonstrates how to make basic requests to Amazon SQS using the AWS SDK for .NET.

该SDK是通过Windows安装程序安装并集成了Visual Studio的;默认情况下,所需的样本结束了在 C:\ Program Files文件(x86)的\ AWS SDK的.NET \样本\ AmazonSQS_Sample ,并提供了两个版本的2008和Visual Studio解决方案2010。

The SDK is installed via Windows Installer and integrates with Visual Studio; by default, the desired sample ends up in C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS SDK for .NET\Samples\AmazonSQS_Sample and provides Visual Studio solutions for both versions 2008 and 2010.