在.NET4 WinForm的列表视图多行的列标题视图、标题、列表、WinForm

2023-09-04 22:42:03 作者:盐焗小星球


I have a listview in Details view and I have added columns. I would like to have the column header increase in height and either word-wrap the header text or allow me to specify the line break using a CrLf.


Is this possible using the standard .NET controls?



That's difficult, you cannot control the column header height directly. You can do it indirectly by giving the ListView a big Font. You then need to set the OwnerDraw property to true and implement the DrawItem, DrawSubItem and DrawColumnHeader events. The latter lets you word-wrap the text. You will also need to set the Font property for each ListViewItem you add so they are not drawn large as well. Unpleasant but not impossible.