
2023-09-04 22:34:45 作者:粉红小怪兽


I need to write a web application that allows the client to download a file from the server, so far so good, but the file must be kind of encoded, so i need to decode it on the client and write it on a file on the client's PC.


Can i do this using Silverlight? and how?


If it is not possible, there is another way to do it?. Any suggestions?



As exposed for Brian Genisio, i can ask for user permision to save the file, so i think that the open and save Dialogs are ok for my case. But in case that that's not enough, is there a way to, with or without user interaction, to save the file outside of the isolated storage, for example emulating a new download for the user?


在Silverlight 3.0,你将有机会获得读写通过OpenFileDialog.在Silverlight 2.0,您可以访问隔离Sotrage,这将让您保存到沙箱中。你可能永远不会有完全访问文件系统,未经用户许可,但。

In Silverlight 3.0, you will have access to read and write files via the OpenFileDialog. In Silverlight 2.0, you have access to Isolated Sotrage, which will let you save to a sandbox. You will probably never have full access to the file system without user permission, though.