何时使用收集&LT​​; T> VS名单< T>名单、LT、GT、VS

2023-09-04 07:00:55 作者:屬於你旳

可能重复:   What是列表(的T)和集合(T)的?



这两种实现IList< T>并保持数据在一个有序的方式,但只有公开列出的排序语义....

解决方案 收藏< T> :   

提供的基类的通用   集合。

名单,其中,T> :   

再presents的强类型列表   这可以通过索引访问的对象。   提供的方法进行搜索,排序和   操作列表。


所以使用 名单,其中,T> 和继承从收藏< T>

Possible Duplicate: What is the difference between List (of T) and Collection(of T)?

What is the best practice for when to use one vs the other?

Both implement IList<T> and hold the data in an ordered fashion, but only List expose the sorting semantics....



Provides the base class for a generic collection.


Represents a strongly typed list of objects that can be accessed by index. Provides methods to search, sort, and manipulate lists.

So, according the docs, one is intended as a base class for collections. The other is intended for use as a container.

So use List<T> and inherit from Collection<T>.