
2023-09-04 06:52:08 作者:何苦趟我这趟浑水

我可以通过 MediaStore.Images.Media 获取图像的宽度一般



 私人无效getDropboxIMGSize(URI URI){
    字符串的大小= Long.toString(新文件(uri.getPath())长());




 私人无效getDropboxIMGSize(URI URI){
   options.inJustDe codeBounds = TRUE;
   BitmapFactory.de codeFILE(uri.getPath())getAbsolutePath(),选件)。
   INT imageHeight = options.outHeight;
   INT ImageWidth等= options.outWidth;


没有也没办法。你必须创建一个位图对象。如果您使用 inJustDe codeBounds 标志momery位图就不会被加载。事实上 BitmapFactory.de codeFILE 将返回null。在我的例子 URI 是物理性的图像的路径

Phtot shop中,作业尺寸是1500x850 则 宽度和高度的单位是什么

i can getting the image width through MediaStore.Images.Media normally

but i need to getting the image width and height from image which selected from dropbox

so currently i have following method to getting image size from dropbox

private void getDropboxIMGSize(Uri uri){
    String size = Long.toString(new File(uri.getPath()).length());
    return size;

but what i actually need are getting the file width and height value

anyone know how to achieve that?please help!


private void getDropboxIMGSize(Uri uri){
   BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
   options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
   BitmapFactory.decodeFile(uri.getPath()).getAbsolutePath(), options);
   int imageHeight = options.outHeight;
   int imageWidth = options.outWidth;


no there is no way. You have to create a Bitmap object. if you use the inJustDecodeBounds flag the bitmap would not be loaded in momery. In fact BitmapFactory.decodeFile will return null. In my example uri is the phisical path to the image