如何创建,读取和放大器;通过使用DocumentBuilderFactory的Andr​​oid应用程序编写的android xml文件放大器、应用程序、文件、DocumentBuilderFacto

2023-09-04 05:59:00 作者:堕落


i am implementing one service this service using my application ,In android app how can create xml file and how to read and write in xml file (in our resource folder not using sdcard)


please forward some suggestion thanks in advance


正在混合一些事情:如果你正在处理一个简单的XML文件,看一看的 http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/x-android/ 。如果你是一个解析的XML资源交易(在 RES / XML 文件夹中),看一看的http://android-er.blogspot.com/2010/04/read-xml-resources-in-android-using.html.

You are mixing a number of things: if you are dealing with a plain XML file, take a look at http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/x-android/. If you are dealing with a parsed XML resource (in the res/xml folder), take a look at http://android-er.blogspot.com/2010/04/read-xml-resources-in-android-using.html.