
2023-09-04 05:52:36 作者:寄给你的风

这是我的问题,我想要写在那里我输入一个日期作为输入,一个基本的控制台应用程序,如果该日期处理不当被输入的应用程序,然后让时间进入一个音符时,即2013年7月8日时间5:00 - 下午7:00输入文本等等等等

This is my problem, i want to write a basic console application where i enter a date as input, if that date hasnt been entered the application then allow a time to enter a note, i.e for 07/08/2013 for time 5:00 - 7:00 pm enter text blah blah

然后应用程序将继续循环,如果我输入相同的日期,我不应该是能够进入 同倍以上,但我应该能够进入7点到8例如。

then application will keep looping, if i enter the same date, i shouldnt be able to enter the same times as above, but i should be able to enter 7:00 to 8 for example.


Dictionary<string, Booking> BookingDict = new Dictionary<string, Booking>();


and adding date as id, but it seems only one element id can be entered uniquely




create a key with two dateTime (the start and end dateTime). When you want to enter a new booking, check (with linq for instance) if there's a known end Datetime that is between your new start and end datetime and do the same with the known start datetime. If there is no overlap, add it.


Dictionary<TwoUintsKeyInfo,object> test = new Dictionary<TwoUintsKeyInfo, object>();
        test.Add(new TwoUintsKeyInfo { IdOne = 3, IdTwo = 9 }, new object());
        test.Add(new TwoUintsKeyInfo { IdOne = 10, IdTwo = 15 }, new object());

        uint newStartPoint1 = 16,newEndPoint1=20;
        bool mayUse = (from result in test 
                            let newStartPointIsBetweenStartAndEnd = newStartPoint1.Between(result.Key.IdOne,result.Key.IdTwo)
                            let newEndPointIsBetweenStartAndEnd = newEndPoint1.Between(result.Key.IdOne,result.Key.IdTwo)
                            let completeOverlap = result.Key.IdOne < newStartPoint1 && result.Key.IdTwo > newEndPoint1
                            let oldDateWithingNewRange = result.Key.IdOne.Between(newStartPoint1, newEndPoint1) || result.Key.IdTwo.Between(newStartPoint1, newEndPoint1)
                            let FoundOne = 1
                            where newStartPointIsBetweenStartAndEnd || newEndPointIsBetweenStartAndEnd || completeOverlap || oldDateWithingNewRange
                            select FoundOne).Sum()==0;


 public static class LinqExtentions
    /// <summary>
    /// Note: For the compare parameters; First the low, than the High
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Bool</returns>
    public static bool Between<T1, T2, T3>(this T1 actual, T2 lowest, T3 highest)
        where T1 : IComparable
        where T2 : IConvertible
        where T3 : IConvertible
        return actual.CompareTo(lowest.ToType(typeof(T1), null)) >= 0 &&
               actual.CompareTo(highest.ToType(typeof(T1), null)) <= 0;

public class TwoUintsKeyInfo
    public uint IdOne { get; set; }
    public uint IdTwo { get; set; }

    public class EqualityComparerTwoUintsKeyInfo : IEqualityComparer<TwoUintsKeyInfo>
        public bool Equals(TwoUintsKeyInfo x, TwoUintsKeyInfo y)
            return x.IdOne == y.IdOne &&
                    x.IdTwo == y.IdTwo;

        public int GetHashCode(TwoUintsKeyInfo x)
            return (Math.Pow(x.IdOne, Math.E) + Math.Pow(x.IdTwo, Math.PI)).GetHashCode();

我测试过,似乎是工作。 祝你好运!

I tested it, seems to be working. Good luck!