
2023-09-04 05:47:46 作者:欣的岛屿


How can I get the content of the last e-mail message in Android (theme and message body) if I know how to access contacts and get necessary e-mail address?


这将取决于电子邮件客户端上被使用,并且在很多情况下是不可能的。 例如,谷歌的Gmail应用程序不再支持这个(它从来没有正式,非正式的能力不再提供第三方应用程序)。

This would depend on the email client being used, and in many cases won't be possible. Google's gmail app for example no longer supports this (it never did officially, the unofficial capability is no longer available to 3rd-party apps).


You may be able to separately connect to a mail server using something like pop or imap with login credentials provided by the user to the app to get a message, if the sever permits this.


Can you accomplish what you need with an attachment, or a URL in the message, which your app would be configured to handle on the phone?