
2023-09-04 05:17:43 作者:大概是你喜欢花朵我姓曹

我有一个XML布局里面有两个编辑文本字段,一个是冠军和其他的故事。当用户输入这些文本框和$ P $他的数据psses后退按钮进入被保存在一个列表视图作为标题集。列表视图是present在活动中说,A1。现在A1扩展了活动。

I have a XML layout which has two edit text fields, one for "title" and the the other for "story". When the user enters his data in these text fields and presses the back button the entry gets saved in a list view as the title set. The list view is present in an activity say A1. Now A1 extends Activity.


Whenever an item in the list is "long clicked" a context menu appears with edit, delete and read buttons. If the edit button is pressed I need to open another activity which can edit the data entered in the text fields corresponding to the item clicked. Also I'd be needing the id and the position of the item clicked in the list.


I am using list variable of type ListView to add my adapter. Also I am checking the edit, delete and read options of the context menu in the `public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item)' method.


How can I get the id and the position of the item clicked from here?



in adapter you make a getter and setter of your item. When long click listener, put setter your item in there.


You should store your "title" and "story" in database and you can get it form database in a new activity
