收到错误错误:RES /菜单/ mainMenu.xml:无效的文件名:必须只包含[A-Z0-9 _]错误、文件名、菜单、mainMenu

2023-09-04 05:14:55 作者:小飞侠

我是新来的Andr​​oid和刚刚开始的。我创建了资源文件夹,菜单/​​ mainMenu.xml文件。但我得到了错误

I am new to android and just started it. I created a file in res folder, menu/mainMenu.xml. But i got the error

Error: res/menu/mainMenu.xml: invalid file name: must contain only[a-z0-9_.]

当我改变了文件名只的MainMenu(删除资本M),然后它开始工作。为什么?我使用的IntelliJ 10.5.1。

When i changed the file name to just mainmenu(remove the capital M) then it started working. Why? I am using intelliJ 10.5.1.



应该 mainmenu.xml ,没有大写字母是允许在XML文件命名。

it should be mainmenu.xml ,no capital letter is allowed in naming of xml files.

  File name must contain only lowercase a-z, 0-9, or _.

AZ ,记住,不是资本......而空白不允许

only a-z,mind that not capital...and white-space not allowed


name must start with a character.not with a Number(0-9)

名存实亡 _ 符号allowed.no其他符号alowed。

name only _ symbol allowed.no other symbol alowed.