
2023-09-04 04:35:21 作者:俠骨柔情


How can I get universal time for a specified TimeZone, given a DateTime object? My application (a Timer) asks the user to specify a time and a timezone and I need to save the UTC based on the specified time+timezone values.

例如,用户A指定 日期时间:07/06/2011上午7:30时区:东部标准时间(-5:00)。

For example, user A specifies DateTime: 07/06/2011 7:30 AM TimeZone: Eastern Standard Time (-5:00).

用户B规定: 日期时间:07/06/2011 17:00时区:印度标准时间(+5:30)。

User B specifies: DateTime: 07/06/2011 05:00 PM TimeZone: India Standard Time (+5:30).


I believe the UTC for both the above DateTime values will be the same and both of the above timers will occur at the same time. The problem is how do I get the UTC to save in the database? I am not able to get matching UTCs for the above datetime values.


您可以使用的DateTime 联合的TimeZoneInfo

var utc = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(dateTimeAsEnteredByUser,

您需要确保,即 dateTimeAsEnteredByUser 属性设置为 DateTimeKind.Unspecified

You need to make sure, that the Kind property of dateTimeAsEnteredByUser is set to DateTimeKind.Unspecified.

BTW: 你们两个指定的时间是不一样的。第一12:30 UTC与第二个11:30 UTC。此外,下午17:00不存在,它要么17:00或下午5:00。

BTW: The two times you specified are not the same. The first is 12:30 UTC and the second one is 11:30 UTC. Additionally, 17:00 PM doesn't exist, it's either 17:00 or 5:00 PM.