
2023-09-04 04:27:02 作者:┌_謸眎颩凨う

如何显示在Android的印地文字符,我已经简单的WebView apllication,它加载了一些网站,其中包括印地文字符的URL,但它显示出[] [] [] [在地方的人物,即使是默认的Andr​​oid浏览器显示了相同的(未显示印地文字符)的Andr​​oid版本为2.1,文本编码设置单向code(UTF-8)的默认Android浏览器,有没有什么办法获得印地文字符的支持 我希望我的问题是清楚的,

how to show hindi characters in android ,i have simple webview apllication ,it loads the url of some site which contains hindi characters ,but its showing [][][][ at place of those characters ,even the default android browser shows the same (not showing the hindi characters) the android version is 2.1, text encoding is set on unicode(UTF-8) in default android browser .,is there is any way to get the support for hindi characters i hope my question is clear ,



Its the font-support

比是最基本的其他人物,是不是有在TTF字体文件 - 即,DroidSans和DroidSansFallback

The Characters other than the most Basic ones, are not there in the TTF Font Files - Namely, DroidSans and DroidSansFallback

任何系统都需要有在其上的字体来显示相同​​。 如果网页,你可以提供的字体到客户端下载和使用

Any system needs to have the font on it to display the same. In case of web pages, you can provide the font to the client to download and use

但是,如果Android系统,它应该只从装载字符 DroidSans.ttf 和 DroidSansFallback.ttf

But in case of Android, its supposed to load characters only from DroidSans.ttf and DroidSansFallback.ttf


So if you want to view something in Hindi, these font files ( in system/fonts ) must support your characters


DroidSans.ttf是有限的,所以你不能编辑。下载有印地文字符支持任何字体,并将它命名为DroidSans.ttf和替换系统/字体。 - 的这会搞乱你的默认字体的

DroidSans.ttf is limited so you can't edit that. Download any font that has Hindi Character support and name it to DroidSans.ttf and replace in system/fonts. - This will mess your default font

下载,有印地文字符的TTF字库和的名称到DroidSansFallback.ttf 的并替换系统/字体。 - 的这不会弄乱东西和放大器;是一个更好的选择的

Download a TTF font that has Hindi Characters and Name it to DroidSansFallback.ttf and replace in system/fonts. - This won't mess up anything & is a Better Option

创建使用字体设计软件和你的愿望(包括印地文)添加尽可能多的角色,并按照声明2的后期的字体。 - 的最好的选择!! 的

Create a font using Font Designing Softwares and ADD as many characters as you wish (including HINDI) and follow the latter part of statement 2. - The BEST Option !!

使用浏览器,有它自己支持印地文字体。 - 的没有的 ROOT简单的选项供人 *

Use a Browser that has its own support for Hindi Fonts. - Simplest option for people without ROOT *

* - 根意味着Android设备生根 - 生根的Andr​​oid