
2023-09-04 04:03:23 作者:尘埃。


Systrace tool which is used for performnce analysis of android devices are not getting executed on android emulator in ubuntu


I have tried below ways for the same but i end up with same problem

1。首先重要的是我尝试挂载/ SYS /内核/调试那么它的只读文件系统消息来 。所以我不能够创造同样的 2.Tried创建具有最新的金鱼源$ C ​​$ C新的内核映像内核qmeu图像和系统映像的地方SDK所取代,但仿真器无法引导。 3.Editing init.rc和添加权限/ SYS /内核/调试和重新创建的ramdisk.img,模拟器启动,但它仍然有处理不当的的debugfs在/ SYS /内核 4。我试着用的debugfs支持(通过make menuconfig进行)更换新的内核映像和的ramdisk.img用的debugfs permissions.But模拟器启动失败。

1.First of all I tried to mount /sys/kernel/debug then its readonly file system message comes .So I am not able to create the same 2.Tried to create new kernel image kernel-qmeu image with latest goldfish source code and replaced at system images place of sdk,but the emulator fails to boot. 3.Editing init.rc and adding permissions for /sys/kernel/debug and recreated the ramdisk.img,emulator boots but it still hasnt have the debugfs at /sys/kernel 4.I tried replacing new kernel image with debugfs support(through make menuconfig) and ramdisk.img with debugfs permissions.But emulator fails to boot.

请帮我在这的关注。 随意拍背,以防更多的澄清

Kindly help me in this concern. feel free to shoot back in case of any more clarifications


谷歌不支持在模拟器中systrace工具。您将需要得到一个果冻豆设备不支持systrace。谷歌Nexus设备似乎和三星GS3一样。我的摩托罗拉Droid RAZR M没有(至少到目前为止)。祝你好运!

Google does not support the systrace tool in the emulator. You will need to get a Jelly Bean device that does support systrace. The Google Nexus devices seem to, and the Samsung GS3 does. My Motorola Droid RAZR M does not (so far at least). Good luck!
