
2023-09-04 03:57:02 作者:罂语


Say I want to display some validation error to the user. In the MVVM pattern, I could have a label that is bound to some property on my viewmodel. But what if I wanted to show a message box while strictly adhering to the MVVM pattern. What would my viewmodel bind to, and how would it trigger a message box to be created/displayed?


有一个接口 IMessageBoxService

interface IMessageBoxService
  bool ShowMessage(string text, string caption, MessageType messageType);

创建 WPFMessageBoxService

class WPFMessageBoxService:IMessageBoxService
  bool ShowMessage(string text, string caption, MessageType messageType)
     System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(text,caption); // messageBoxIcon is created based on MessageType // Removed windows forms dependency.


在你的视图模型接受IMessageBoxService作为构造函数的参数和使用DI注入 WPFMessageBoxService / IoC的。

In your ViewModel accept IMessageBoxService as constructor parameter and inject WPFMessageBoxService using DI/IoC.

在视图模型,使用 IMessageBoxService.ShowMessage 显示在MessageBox。

In the ViewModel, use IMessageBoxService.ShowMessage to show the MessageBox.

ShowMessageCommand = new DelegateCommand ( () => messageBoxService.ShowMessage(message, header, MessageType.Information);

自定义 IMessageBoxService 接口您的需求,并挑选了一个更好的名字。

Customize IMessageBoxService interface to your needs, and pick up a better name.