在Windows Azure上部署WCF服务Windows、Azure、WCF

2023-09-04 03:36:39 作者:兮以城空°

只是为了澄清我的工作是第一次与湛蓝。我与SQL Server的连接创建一个RESTful WCF服务在几个月前。我部署WCF在IIS与SQL Server的防爆preSS 2012的数据库服务的工作,没有任何问题。

Just to clarify I am working for the first time with azure. I created a Restful WCF Service a few months ago with SQL Server connection. I deployed the WCF on IIS with the database on SQL Server Express 2012. The service works with no problems.

[WebGet(UriTemplate = "feed/{ID}/{Rating}/{Feed}", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
string feed(string ID, string Rating, string Feed);


Now I must move the WCF service to Azure. The problem is I have no idea how to deploy the WCF to azure and if it is even possible to deploy the WCF to azure. The database have been moved to azure.


主要是相对容易取决于你是否想要一个Azure的网站或云中的作用 - 云......

The principal is relatively easy depending on whether you want a Azure WebSite or Cloud Role - for Cloud...

确保您有从WebPlatform中安装程序安装在Azure SDK。 添加一个WCF云服务中的作用,以你的项目 展开了项目,然后右键单击到角色节点中选择添加,然后从您的解决方案现有的项目。 在使用Azure的凭据发布的作用。


These two articles provide an end-to-end tutorial that goes into more depth...

http://www.claudiobernasconi.ch/2013/08/03/deploying-a-wcf-service-on-windows-azure/ http://blogs.msdn.com/b/nishasingh/archive/2012/12/05/creating-and-deploying-a-wcf-service-on-windows-azure-and-consuming-it-in-windows-8-store-app.aspx http://www.claudiobernasconi.ch/2013/08/03/deploying-a-wcf-service-on-windows-azure/ http://blogs.msdn.com/b/nishasingh/archive/2012/12/05/creating-and-deploying-a-wcf-service-on-windows-azure-and-consuming-it-in-windows-8-store-app.aspx


With this one more specific to Azure Websites

