
2023-09-03 23:27:18 作者:炼狱


I have a C# class as follows:

public class TestObj
    private int intval;
    private string stringval;
    private int[] intarray;
    private string[] stringarray;

    //... public properties not shown here


I would like to serialize an instance of this class into a string.



I will be appending this string as a QueryString param to a URL. So I would like to take some effort to ensure that the string cannot be tampered with easily.


Also, I would like the serialization method to be efficient so the size of the string is minmal.

具体的.NET Framework类/方法的任何建议,我应该使用?

Any suggestions of specific .NET Framework classes/methods I should use?



 public String SerializeObject(TestObj object)
        String Serialized = String.Empty;
        MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream ( );
        XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TestObj));
        XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter ( memoryStream, Encoding.UTF8 );
        xs.Serialize (xmlTextWriter, object);
        memoryStream = (MemoryStream) xmlTextWriter.BaseStream;
        Serialized = UTF8Encoding.GetString(memoryStream.ToArray());
        return Serialized;


2) To prevent tampering:

拿出一个秘密的字符串,例如MySecretWord。 把你的序列化对象实例作为一个字符串,并追加密语吧。 哈希的字符串(例如SHA的或使用HMAC(所建议的莱姆斯)的) 附加哈希的查询字符串 Come up with a secret string, e.g. "MySecretWord". Take your serialized object instance as a string, and append the secret word to it. Hash the string (e.g. SHA or use HMAC (as suggested by Remus) ) Append the hash to the query string


On the receiving side (which also knows your "MySecretWord" secret string) you strip away the hash, take the original serialized instance, append the known secret string and hash it again. Then compare the two hashes for equality. If they are equal, your string was not modified.

您可能需要地址/ Base64的恩code的字符串,因此它可以作为查询字符串。这也是很重要的,因为你需要查询字符串准确到达的发送。

You may need to Url/Base64 Encode your string so it works as a query string. This is also important as you need the query string to arrive exactly as sent.