
2023-09-03 23:20:46 作者:苏柒.


I understand only 4 languages are supported within WPF in-built spelling, English, German, French and Spanish are available. But is only en-US supported, how about en-GB?


Documentation on this topic in MSDN docs. seems sparse at best. Where can I locate exact details on the languages supported?


The reason I ask this is that I would like to add settings within my WPF app where you can select the language for the spell check or have an option for disabling the in-built feature. Within these options I would like to list the exact languages that are supported, whether it is en-US or en-GB etc.


只有英语,法语,德语和西班牙语现在。你需要与安装后三个.NET语言包 。您还可以添加一些有限的自定义的术语,以这些语言(见的这个博客),但也没有办法增加整个词典。

Only English, French, German and Spanish for now. You need to install the latter three with the .Net Language pack. You can also add some limited custom jargon to those languages (see this blog), but there is no way to add an entire dictionary.