
2023-09-03 23:20:33 作者:祝你孤独 且长命百岁


Analysing the code below in action through Fiddler, I realized that using Parallel Extensions I can get at maximum 2 outbound requests:

new string[] 
    .Select(a => HttpWebRequest.Create(a).GetResponse())


What method should I use to maximize the number of outbound requests?


这code根据Wireshark的并行运行了我的机器上的所有6 HTTP请求:

This code runs all 6 HTTP requests in parallel on my machine according to Wireshark:

var urls = new string[] 

var reqs = urls.Select<string, WebRequest>(HttpWebRequest.Create).ToArray();
var iars = reqs.Select(req => req.BeginGetResponse(null, null)).ToArray();
var rsps = reqs.Select((req, i) => req.EndGetResponse(iars[i])).ToArray();

基本上,它会创建一个的WebRequest 每个网址,电话 BeginGetResponse 每个然后调用 EndGetResponse 每个与的IAsyncResult

Basically it creates a WebRequest for each URL, calls BeginGetResponse on each and then calls EndGetResponse for each with the IAsyncResult.

该文档指出 BeginGetResponse 使用的托管线程池使HTTP请求。​​

The documentation states that BeginGetResponse uses The Managed Thread Pool to make the HTTP request.