在Android中包括升压C ++库Android

2023-09-03 22:19:55 作者:散场


I have been trying to marry Boost and android on windows for long time and tried lot of approaches but still no luck. I want to make a sample program using Boost library in android. I am following this tutorial here.

由于本教程建议我遵守了我升压lib目录中的 **(Android的NDK)\来源\ boost_1_44_0 ** 成功编译了。

As this tutorial suggested i have kept my Boost lib in **(Android NDK)\sources\boost_1_44_0** compiled it successfully.

这时我犯了一个 Android.mk 文件中的来源/ boost_1_44_0 并取得我想要使用的每个库的进入。在这种情况下的lib。文件的 libboost_date_time-GCC-MT-S-1_44.a 在现有的 boost_1_44_0 /安卓/ lib目录/ 这里是 Android.mk 文件的内容。

Then i made an Android.mk file inside sources/boost_1_44_0 and made the entry of each library which i want to use. In this case lib. file is libboost_date_time-gcc-mt-s-1_44.a available in boost_1_44_0/android/lib/ Here is the content of Android.mk file.

LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE:= boost_date
LOCAL_SRC_FILES:= boost_1_44_0/android/lib/libboost_date_time-gcc-mt-s-1_44.a

现在,下一步是使 Android.mk 文件在我的项目目录,里面的 JNI 文件夹中。(这是创建一个共享库)。下面是它的内容。

Now the next step is to make an Android.mk file in my project directory, inside jni folder.(this is to create a shared library.). Here are its contents.

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
 include $(call all-subdir-makefiles)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

# Here we give our module name and source file(s)
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog -ldl
LOCAL_MODULE    := ndkfoo
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ndkfoo.cpp
$(call import-module,boost_1_44_0) 

下面是Application.mk文件放在同一位置,里面的 JNI 文件夹。是Application.mk文件的内容如下:

Here is the Application.mk file placed on the same location, inside jni folder. Contents of Application.mk file are as follows:

APP_STL      = gnustl_static #(or APP_STL = stlport_static as required)
APP_CPPFLAGS = -fexceptions  

最后,这里是我的 ndkfoo.cpp 文件

#include <string.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <boost/date_time.hpp>

using namespace boost::gregorian;

void Java_com_ndkfoo_NdkfooActivity_invokeNativeFunction(JNIEnv* env, jobject javaThis) {
    date weekstart(2002,Feb,1);



this program might be incorrect but the problem is that it does not recognize any boost headers or function. and i always get compilation error.


Is there something i am missing or doing incorrectly? Any help would be really appreciated.

编辑: 这个问题包含了一切你需要包括Boost库中的机器人。欲了解更多的技巧来看看我的回答如下。希望这也会为你工作。的




My question contained almost complete steps for including BOOST library in android. But still there are some important points you should remember while working with this.

删除自动生成的 OBJ LIB 取值夹中的每个时间才能编译本地code。

Delete auto generated obj and libs folder Each time before you compile your native code.

如果你打算写你的本地code在C ++中,添加 LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION:=的.cpp 您Android.mk( JNI / Android.mk )的文件。

If you are going to write your native code in C++, add LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION := .cpp to your Android.mk(jni/Android.mk) file.

如果你要code在C ++中,把你所有的CPP code里面的的externC{}

if you are going to code in C++, put your all cpp code inside extern "C" {}.

外部C {/ * CPP code * /}


Dont give up, Be patient and keep trying.;).