
2023-09-03 21:54:00 作者:姐不是电视机别老盯着姐看

因为我更新了,前两天我的Andr​​oid SDK到版本的API 14我得到在我的Windows 7 X64的笔记本电脑使用Eclipse太阳神的烦恼。

Since I updated two days ago my Android SDK to version API 14 I'm getting troubles using Eclipse Helios on my Windows 7 x64 laptop.


When I try to export a project everything is ok until I get to press the "finish" button: then a popup appears saying "aapt.exe has stopped working" and I can't get my signed apk; the project doesn't return errors and compiles as usual.


I googled to find a solution but nothing of the solutions i found worked:

我清理项目(项目>清洁) 我禁用了自动构建(项目>自动构建) 在我删除了所有导入库(右键单击项目>属性> Java构建路径) 在我更新了所有相关的软件(帮助>检查更新) 在我把logcat的模式冗长 在我删除了我的.9.png可绘制并重新添加到我的项目


These are all the solutions I found related to aapt.exe issues. Do you have any other suggestion?


PS: I'm also getting a layout issue with all my .9.png files that are not displayed correctly, but I don't know if it's related.


我发现窗口的解决方案> preferences>安卓>通过设置生成输出关于正常,然后项目建设>清洁>全部清除。​​

I found a solution in Window>Preferences>Android>Build by setting "Build output" on Normal and then Project>Clean>Clean All.


I don't know if this is the definitive solution but it made me able to export my apk with the proper .9.png drawable layout.
