.NET运行时 - Silverlight运行=?NET、Silverlight

2023-09-04 02:58:17 作者:薄年

我GOOGLE了一下周围,我一直没能找到什么样的.NET CLR类不列入CoreCLR又名Silverlight的一个良好的上市。

I've googled around a bit, and I haven't been able to find a good listing of what classes from the .net CLR are not included in the 'CoreCLR' aka Silverlight.

什么是Silverlight的从Windows .NET框架的缺失?

此外,有没有任何Silverlight运行时具有了.NET Framework不?

Also, is there anything that the Silverlight runtime has that the .net Framework doesn't?


Silverlight运行时(CLR的Silverlight)本质上是一个小型的迷你CLR :)。

Silverlight Runtime (Silverlight CLR) is essentially a mini-mini CLR :).

微软并没有去除许多依赖于.NET Framework程序集Silverlight的发布不属于

Microsoft did the work of removing many dependencies to .NET Framework assemblies not part of the Silverlight release

Silverlight的CLR是的一个子集   包含.NET框架   组件和库,其中包括   数据集成,可扩展的视窗   控制,网络,基础类   库,垃圾收集,并且   公共语言运行时(CLR)。

Silverlight CLR is a subset of the .NET Framework that contains components and libraries, including data integration, extensible Windows controls, networking, base class libraries, garbage collection, and the common language runtime (CLR).

.NET框架的某些部分   Silverlight的部署与你   应用。这些Silverlight的   库不包括的组件   在Silverlight运行时,并   而不是运Silverlight的   SDK。当Silverlight库是   在你的应用程序中使用,它们是   打包与应用程序和   下载到浏览器。这些   包括新的UI控件,XLINQ,   聚合(RSS / ATOM),XML   串行化,以及动态   语言运行时(DLR)。

Some parts of the .NET Framework for Silverlight are deployed with your application. These "Silverlight Libraries" are assemblies not included in the Silverlight runtime and are instead shipped in the Silverlight SDK. When Silverlight Libraries are used in your application, they are packaged up with your application and downloaded to the browser. These include new UI controls, XLINQ, Syndication (RSS/Atom), XML serialization, and the dynamic language runtime (DLR).


To read about a detailed comparison, see this link http://codebetter.com/blogs/patricksmacchia/archive/2008/10/01/comparing-silverlight-and-the-net-framework.aspx