
2023-09-03 21:20:19 作者:过来我怀里


and if the answer is "it depends", could you provide a short explanation why ?


GAC是指以包含跨多个应用程序共享程序集。如果是这样的话,你应该强命名大会,并与GAC。 如果没有,保持装配为私有程序集和引用它作为项目/ dll引用。

GAC is meant to contain assemblies that are shared across multiple applications. If that is the case, you should strong-name the assembly and register it with the GAC. If not, keep the assembly as a private assembly and reference it as a project/dll reference.

PS:没有真正得到你的问题的bin文件夹的一部分参考 - 这bin文件夹中是这样的。

PS: Didn't really get the reference from bin folder part of your question - which bin folder is this?