
2023-09-03 21:01:49 作者:吻,离别滋味


I need to get a domain name if I have an IP address (e.g. I type and the program should find out that is the Google address)


As far as I've figured out is get the hostname:

IPHostEntry IpToDomainName = Dns.GetHostEntry("");
string HostName = IpToDomainName.HostName; //it returns "fk-in-f103.1e100.net"

但它不是我想要的。 我不知道如何来实现这一目标。任何的想法会有所帮助。

but it's not that I want. I don't know how to achieve that. Any ideas will be helpful



I guess you're talking about getting the top-level domain name from the host name? The TLD is just the last two dot-separated parts of the full host name, so a function would look like this:

public static string GetTopLevelDomain(string hostName)
    int lastDot = hostName.LastIndexOf('.');
    if (lastDot < 0)
        return hostName;
    int previousDot = hostName.LastIndexOf('.', lastDot - 1);
    return (previousDot >= 0) ? hostName.Substring(previousDot + 1) : hostName;


If you're actually trying to figure out who owns the domain, you have to use a whois lookup. Here's a whois example in C#. The information just comes back as plain text; keep in mind that it won't necessarily even tell you the real person or company who owns it, sometimes that information is private and all you'll get is the registrar (like GoDaddy).

此外,不同的域名注册服务器会给出不同的信息和不同的地区;比如你可以得到与ARIN一个美域的信息,但对欧洲域名您需要使用RIPE代替。老实说,我希望这是你想要做的,因为你会发现,这是一个相当焦油坑不算什么;有可靠确定的域X 的是拥有没有简单的方法的 Y公司的。

Also, different whois servers will give different information and different areas; for example you can get information on a U.S. domain with ARIN, but for European domains you need to use RIPE instead. Honestly I hope that this isn't what you're trying to do because you're going to find that it's a quite a tar-pit; there's no simple way of reliably determining that Domain X is owned by Company Y.