
2023-09-04 02:51:40 作者:看在眼里丶埋在心里

在某些Excel文件(2003年)的工作簿,当我尝试的打印的多个工作表,Excel将表作为单独的打印作业。这fubars excel的自动化软件,我一直在写,因为它会导致Adobe PDF打印机停止并要求用户对第二个文件名。

In some Excel (2003) workbooks, when I attempt to print multiple sheets, Excel treats the sheets as separate print jobs. This fubars the excel automation app I've been writing since it causes Adobe PDF Printer to stop and ask the user for the second file name.


It looks like it might be something to do with the assigned print area of each page though clearing (or even resetting) the print area does not make a difference.

如何强制Excel打印所有选定的工作表作为一个单独的打印作业?(我使用的是虚拟的Adobe PDF打印机)

How can I force Excel to print all selected sheets as a single print job? (I'm using the virtual Adobe PDF Printer)


Barring that, how can I detect, in advance of printing, when Excel will treat one or more of the selected tabs as a separate print job?

我自动化Excel 2003 C3 / .NET3.5和印刷利用的Acrobat 7专业版安装Adobe PDF打印机

I'm automating Excel 2003 with C3/.net3.5 and printing using the Adobe PDF Printer installed by Acrobat 7 Pro.


使用 PrintOutEx():

foreach (Excel.Worksheet ws in wb.Worksheets)
    Excel.PageSetup ps = (Excel.PageSetup)ws.PageSetup;
    ws.PageSetup.Orientation = Excel.XlPageOrientation.xlLandscape;
    ws.PageSetup.Order = Excel.XlOrder.xlDownThenOver;
    ws.PageSetup.FitToPagesWide = 1;
    ws.PageSetup.FitToPagesTall = 50;
    ws.PageSetup.Zoom = false;  