
2023-09-03 17:48:27 作者:我的爱已过期


我的页面没有任何上传控制。它包含一个文本框,按钮和GridView控件。 有谁知道为什么发生这种情况。




一个回发发回的每个控件的视图状态 - 如果你有一个庞大的数据网格,然后在浏览器转播,为服务器,这就是为什么你得到该异常。

我的 HTTP 1.1 好慢啊


设置的EnableViewState =假在你的GridView,如果你不需要视图状态,所以它不是那么臃肿和回发是一个合理的规模,

增加 web.config中的最大请求大小,如下所示:

        <的httpRuntime maxRequestLength的=32768/>
    < /system.web>
< /结构>


I'm getting the following exception on a button click, for an asp page which binds more than 500 records in a gridview on page load.

My page does not have any upload control. It contains a textbox, button and the gridview. Does anyone know why this is happening.

Exception Description:

Maximum request length exceeded.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. 


A postback sends back the viewstate of every control - if you have a huge datagrid, then when the browser reposts that to the server, this is why you are getting the exception.

Your two options are:

Set EnableViewState="false" on your GridView if you do not need the viewstate, so it's not so bloated and the postback is a reasonable size,

Increase the maximum request size in web.config as shown below:

        <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="32768" />

Hope this helps