Ninject - 结合泛型类型具有约束类型、Ninject

2023-09-03 17:44:55 作者:- 浮夸尘世丶


Is it possible to set up a ninject binding to respect a generic constraint?


interface IFoo { }
interface IBar { }
interface IRepository<T> { }

class FooRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : IFoo { }
class BarRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : IBar { }

class Foo : IFoo { }
class Bar : IBar { }

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel();

        // Use this binding only where T : IFoo

        // Use this one only where T : IBar

        var fooRepository = kernel.Get<IRepository<Foo>>();
        var barRepository = kernel.Get<IRepository<Bar>>();

调用此code原样会产生多次激活路径例外: -

Calling this code as-is will produce a multiple activation paths exception:-

错误激活IRepository {}美孚:不止一个匹配的绑定可

Error activating IRepository{Foo}: More than one matching bindings are available.


How can I set up the bindings to be conditional on the value of T? Ideally I'd like them to pick up the constraints from the target type, as I've already defined them there, but if I have to define them again in the binding that's also acceptable.



Maybe there is a cleaner solution but it definitely works with the When contextual binding method and some reflection:

// Use this binding only where T : IFoo
   .When(r => typeof(IFoo).IsAssignableFrom(r.Service.GetGenericArguments()[0]));

// Use this one only where T : IBar
  .When(r =>  typeof(IBar).IsAssignableFrom(r.Service.GetGenericArguments()[0]));