依赖注入 - 这是否违反了关注点分离?这是、关注点、违反了

2023-09-03 17:44:10 作者:王牌情敌i


Does Dependency Injection violate the Separation of Concerns as it pertains to an n-tier architecture?




If I were to use DI to tell the Business Layer which Data Context to use, wouldn't this violate SoC? This would mean the UI (MyApp.Web) would have to have knowledge of the Data Access Layer (MyApp.Data) to tell the Business Layer (MyApp.Business) which context to use, right?

public class WebForm {
    public void Save(Object dto) {
        BusinessObject bo = new BusinessObject(Data.MyDataContext);


I always thought, in an n-tier architecture, each tier should only have knowledge of the next tier (UI to Business, Business to Data). Is this not really a big deal?



No, it does not violate the SoC, in fact it encourages it.


The problem is that in your example you are not using DI, at least in the UI. You are letting the WebForm explicitly build the objects it needs, instead of getting those dependencies injected.


The main idea is to have a central bootstrapper in an app that creates the root object, which gets it dependencies which in turn are constructed from other dependencies and so on. Given that is such a pain to do manually, you rely on DI containers that do that automatically using conventions or via configuration, or both.


So in your example, you would have the WebForm be constructed using a DI container and you would specify dependencies to, say, an IBusinessObject that would in turn depend on the DataContext to do things with those entities and create them from dto's. Then in that Save method you would use that by using the instance that was injected from outside, either manually or via a container, but always in some root point in the app lifecycle