
2023-09-03 16:55:12 作者:眼里有你



是否存在.NET Framework中的一个方法,将显示格式化对象使用DebuggerDisplayAttribute(或退回到使用的ToString(),如果没有DebuggerDisplayAttribute定义)?


要澄清,我希望有可能是一个内置的框架。我知道我可以从DebuggerDisplayAttribute值属性,但我需要使用格式字符串再由DebuggerDisplayAttribute.Value psented $ P $格式化我的实例。

宁波博仕胃肠病医院 肠道毒素累积的危害


    DebugDisplayAttribute属性= ...获取值的属性...
    如果(属性= NULL)返回value.ToString();

    字符串的formatString = attribute.Value;



这可能是好的 - 但DebuggerDisplayAttribute的格式字符串由调试评估,键入到监视窗口或同样的方式计算EX pressions立即窗口。这就是为什么你可以把任意EX pressions的括号内,如 {姓++姓氏}

因此​​,在code,以评估这些,你就需要嵌入Visual Studio调试器到你的应用程序。也许不会发生的。 (笑)



I have a number of classes that are decorated with DebuggerDisplayAttribute.

I want to be able to add trace statements to Unit Tests that will display instances of these classes.

Does there exist a method in the .NET Framework that will display an object formatted using DebuggerDisplayAttribute (or fall back to using .ToString() if no DebuggerDisplayAttribute is defined)?


To clarify, I was hoping there might be something built into the Framework. I know I can get the Value property from DebuggerDisplayAttribute, but I then need to format my instance using the format string represented by DebuggerDisplayAttribute.Value.

If I roll my own, I'd envisage an extension method along the following lines:

public string FormatDebugDisplay(this object value)
    DebugDisplayAttribute attribute = ... get the attribute for value ...
    if (attribute = null) return value.ToString();

    string formatString = attribute.Value;

    ??? How do I format value using formatString ???
    return SomeFormatMethod(formatString, value);


That might be nice -- but DebuggerDisplayAttribute's format string is evaluated by the debugger, the same way it evaluates expressions you type into the Watch windows or the Immediate window. That's why you can put arbitrary expressions inside the braces, like {FirstName + " " + LastName}.

Therefore, to evaluate these in your code, you would need to embed the Visual Studio debugger into your app. Probably not gonna happen. (grin)

Your best bet is probably to take all the formatting logic that's currently in your DebuggerDisplay format string, and make it a method instead. Then you're free to call that method from your code. Your DebuggerDisplay attribute ends up doing nothing but calling the method.

public class MyClass {
    public string Inspect() { ... }