
2023-09-03 16:47:05 作者:山山而川


I'm using the MSBuild Community Task library to get the current SVN version an set that in my AssemblyInfo files to get the revision in the final compiled dll.

正如你所知道那么SVN版本能像28或28M - 如果有修改。如果我做一个MSBuild的消息和输出修订属性我看,我拿到修改后28M,但更新AsseblyInfo时,我只保留28中的版本号得到..?

As you know SVN version can then be like "28" or "28M" - if there are modifications. If i do a MSBuild message and output the Revision property I see I get a 28M after modification but when updating the AsseblyInfo I keep getting only 28 in the version number ..?


I'd like to have the 28M in the version number to indicate the dll is built using a non-check in modification. How can I get that working?

<Target Name="Compile">
<SvnVersion LocalPath="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)" ToolPath="$(SvnTool)">
  <Output TaskParameter="Revision" PropertyName="Revision" />

  <AssemblyInfoFiles Include="x.a\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
  <AssemblyInfoFiles Include="x.b\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />

<FileUpdate Files="@(AssemblyInfoFiles)"
            ReplacementText="$(MajorVersion).$(MinorVersion).$(Revision).0" />

<MSBuild  Projects="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\ConfigExplorer.sln" Targets="Rebuild" Properties="Configuration=$(BuildType);" />


.NET程序集的版本号是严厉类型。他们不是任何字符串,但ushorts,这意味着他们有一个最大的65535(见文档 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cbf1574z.aspx )。如果您使用SVN版本(像我一样在一个点),您的构建将打破,一旦超过了神奇的数字。

.Net assemblies version numbers are sternly typed. They are not just any string but ushorts which means they have a max of 65535 (see docs http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cbf1574z.aspx). If you use the svn revision (as I did at one point) your build will break once it exceeds that magic number.

一个方案我也用这表明开发人员构建与CI构建是使用版本 {}年{月} {}天{建立} 其中,内部版本号指定一个额外的编译参数。这给了我们构建的日期,以及表示如果它是一个开发版本(即最后一个组成部分是零)

A scheme I also used that indicated developer builds vs. CI builds was to use versions in the form of {year}.{month}.{day}.{build} where the build number was specified with an extra build parameter. This gave us the date of the build, as well as indicating if it was a developer build (i.e. last component was zero)