
2023-09-03 16:26:53 作者:烟雨梦兮


I'm using WMI (Win32_NetworkAdapter) and trying to get the details of attached physical network adapters either wired or wireless and avoid virtual adapters, etc.


Reading this article it explains that you have to do some clever querying on WMI to eliminate virtual adapters and attempt to only return real physical adapters.


Reading this post it explains that you can compare the text in the "Description" of the network adapter to see if it includes "Wireless", "802.11", or "WLAN", if it does, then most likely the adapter is a wireless adapter.

使用今天的.Net版本和其它进步,这些是真的在Windows XP +:确定一个网络适配器是有线或无线的,而不是从VM软件或类似的虚拟适配器的只有两种方式?如果没有,请解释。

With today's .Net versions and other advancements, are these really the only two ways of determining on Windows XP+ if a network adapter is wired or wireless and is not a virtual adapter from VM software or the like? If not, please explain.


也许这将帮助你 http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/mladenp/archive/2010/11/04/find-only-physical-network-adapters-with-wmi-win32_networkadapter-class.aspx确定通过WMI网络适配器类型,使用ManagementObjectSearcher类

maybe this will help you http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/mladenp/archive/2010/11/04/find-only-physical-network-adapters-with-wmi-win32_networkadapter-class.aspx to determine the Network Adapter Type via WMI ,using the ManagementObjectSearcher class