
2023-09-03 16:20:57 作者:宇宙限量版帅哥



It would seem to me that they are only useful within a limited context, for example one class or one function. They can hardly be used outside of this context, because without reflection no one will know what properties are available on these types.



Anonymous types are intended to only be used in very narrow scopes. Most use cases that I've had for them involve Linq.

var result = from x in MyCollection
             select new 

另外,在LINQ的的情况下,到SQL - 使用匿名类型将通过只选择那些在匿名类型中使用的列生成不同的SQL。在上述情况下(如果它是一个LINQ to SQL的查询),它会产生类似从mytable的选择为prop1,prop2,而不是选择所有的字段。

Also, in the case of Linq to SQL - using anonymous types will generate different SQL by selecting only the columns that are used in the anonymous type. In the case above (if it were a Linq to SQL query), it would generate something like "select prop1, prop2 from mytable" instead of selecting all of the fields.


I've never run across (yet) a situation where I wanted to just declare a new anonymous type in my code. I suppose if anything else, maybe it would be a good use for local constants?

var x = new
            FirstName = "Scott",
            LastName = "Ivey"