
2023-09-03 15:52:48 作者:[青丝青衫亦青城]


If I have a code that looks something like this:

public void Foo()
    Bar bar = new Bar();

    bar.SomeEvent += (sender, e) =>
        //Do something here


威尔时,方法用尽的范围,否则我将不得不从事件到prevent手动取消,因为一个内存泄漏收集参照 SomeEvent

Will bar be collected when the method runs out of the scope, or will I have to manually unsubscribe from the event to prevent a memory leak because of a reference to SomeEvent?



Your situation is fine; the event subscriber will not prevent the publisher from being collected, but the opposite can happen.


class Foo
    public event EventHandler FooEvent;

    void LeakMemory()
        Bar bar = new Bar();


class Bar
    void AttachEvent(Foo foo)
        foo.FooEvent += (sender, e) => { };

在这种情况下,酒吧 LeakMemory 创建的实例不能被收集,直到

In this case, the instance of Bar created within LeakMemory can't be collected until either

将拉姆达psented匿名方法重新$ P $从 FooEvent 删除的调用列表 foo的实例,它连着可以收集到 The anonymous method represented by the lambda is removed from FooEvent's invocation list The instance of Foo to which it's attached can be collected


This is because the event (which is just some syntactic sugar over an ordinary delegate instance) holds onto a list of delegates to invoke when it's invoked, and each of these delegates has, in turn, a reference to the object that it's attached to (in this case, the instance of Bar).


Note that we're only talking about collection eligibility here. Just because it's eligible doesn't say anything about when (or even, really, if) it will be collected, just that it can be.