是否有可能抢夺和主机在一个孩子的WinForms窗口一个Win32 HWND控制?有可能、窗口、主机、孩子

2023-09-03 15:37:18 作者:少女心狙击手


I did a search online but they are talking about how to do this for WPF.


Imagine a win32 application like shown below, and assume the app itself allows creating new Windows Forms windows as child windows. So they can talk to each other, I can send keypresses, and control the parent application.


What I want to do is to strip that listview outlined in the image and host it on my Winforms window. So it's hosted inside my Winforms window floating on top, and moves the control as my Winforms window moves.

我可以从父应用程序的.NET API中的HWND句柄,但我不知道我想要什么是可能的。如果是这样,怎么样?

I can get the hWnd handle from the parent app's .NET API but I am not sure if what I want is possible. If so, how?



If you use the SetParent function, then it works just as you expect:



You might have to move the control to an appropriate location in your Winforms window and possibly resize it too, using the MoveWindow function:
