
2023-09-03 15:31:33 作者:山水不相逢


What tools are available to profile a .NET program by measuring function execution times and generating graphs to visualize the time spent at various points in the call graph?


AQTime 和< A HREF =htt​​p://www.jetbrains.com/profiler/相对=nofollow> dotTrace 是两个非常不错的商用分析器。

AQTime and dotTrace are two very good commerical profilers.

一个免费的选择是 ProfileSharp ,虽然我有一点运气吧。

A free option would be ProfileSharp, though I have had little luck with it.

Microsoft提供的 CLR探查为好,效果很好,但功能较少。

Microsoft provides the CLR Profiler as well, which works well, but has fewer features.