
2023-09-03 15:18:45 作者:装纯不是单纯~


I'm trying to set the DisplayMember Property of my ListBox in a windows forms project to a property of a nested class inside a Generic List I am binding to.


Here's a simple example:

 public class Security
    public int SecurityId { get; set;}
    public SecurityInfo Info { get; set;}
public class SecurityInfo
    public string Description { get; set;}
public void DoIt()
    List<Security> securities = new List<Security>();
    //add securities to list
    lstSecurities.DataSource = securities;
    lstSecurities.DisplayMember = "Info.Description";


Is this possible with a simple ListBox or will I have to create a subclassed ListBox to handle this?



I am trying not to modify these classes as they are being generated via a WSDL Document.



No, most winforms bindings do not support child properties like this.


You can do it directly with custom type-descriptors, but that is a lot of work and not worth it.

检查生成的code;它应该(与任何最新版本的工具)是一个部分类;这意味着你可以在第二类文件中添加额外的成员,这样就不会破坏WSDL生成code - 即

Check the generated code; it should (with any recent version of the tools) be a partial class; that means you can add extra members in a second class file, so you don't break the wsdl-generated code - i.e.

namespace MyWsdlNamespace {
    partial class MyClass {
        public string InfoDescription {
            get { return Info.Description; }
            // and a set if you want


You should now be able to bind to "InfoDescription" fairly easily.