
2023-09-03 13:55:24 作者:乱花渐欲迷谁眼

有没有免费的工具可以自动创建从现有的.NET / Visual Studio 2005的项目中的UML图?

Are there any free tools to automatically create UML diagrams from an existing .Net/Visual Studio 2005 projects?


如果您正在使用Visual Studio团队套件2005(注意:不是2008年),我相信你有逆向工程的.Net code到UML的选项在Visio,请注意,这并不适用于Visual Studio团队套件2008!

If you are using Visual Studio Team Suite 2005 (note: not 2008) I believe you have the option to reverse engineer the .Net code into UML in Visio, Note, this doesn't apply to Visual Studio Team Suite 2008!

要进行反向工程的.Net code到UML与团队套件2005,你应该可以点击下面的菜单项:项目 - >的Visio UML - >反向工程

To reverse engineer .Net code into UML with Team Suite 2005 you should be able to click on the following menu items: Projects -> Visio UML -> Reverse Engineer.

有关团队套件2008(就像一个供参考的,因为你正在使用VS 2005),MSDN有这样的有趣的链接已可能来自该 MSDN线程上的Visio及放大器的话题; VS 2008其中还列出了一些备选的UML建模工具。

For Team Suite 2008 (just as an FYI, since you are using VS 2005), MSDN has this interesting link which has probably come from this MSDN Thread on the topic for Visio & VS 2008 which also lists some alternative UML modelling tools.


Also there's a list of free UML tools on this blog entry here they've listed the following:

DotNet2Uml(从文章)的这个链接可能更好地工作 DotNet2Uml (from the article) this link might work better

在agilefactor DotNet2UML工具读取使用.NET反射功能的.NET程序集元数据,并创建所产生的UML的XML重新presentation称为XMI。然后,该XMI可以导入到大多数UML工具。

The agilefactor DotNet2UML utility reads .NET assembly metadata using .NET reflection features and creates an XML representation of the resulting UML called XMI. This XMI can then be imported into most UML tools. uml2svg(链接)

uml2svg是基于XSLT的工具   转换XMI兼容的UML图   为SVG。

uml2svg is an XSLT-based tool for converting XMI-compliant UML Diagrams into SVG.