在.NET应用程序中使用Active Directory Web服务应用程序、NET、Active、Web

2023-09-03 13:05:17 作者:帅比难养@

我想建立一个.NET应用程序来询问Active Directory中。

I'm trying to build a .Net application to interrogate Active Directory.


I need to use a Web Service to do this as I will be talking to AD from a Sharepoint Workflow using a third party workflow tool that requires the use of a web service.

从我的研究中,Windows 2008 R2的Active Directory Web服务(ADWS)内置的。

From my research, Windows 2008 R2 has Active Directory Web Services (ADWS) built in.


I can't find any details or examples anywhere on the web which tell me whether I should be able to use ADWS in a .Net application to read/write AD information.


Should I simply be able to add a web reference or is ADWS just for Powershell use.




看起来他们创造ADWS为PowerShell中的ActiveDirectory的模块和Active Directory管理中心唯一。虽然它似乎可以直接使用它,由于它的WCF性质。但是,没有,有没有MSDN或一个博客帖子上,甚至一篇文章在那里在网络上关于这个话题。

Looks like they created ADWS for PowerShell's ActiveDirectory module and Active Directory Administrative Center only. Though it seems possible to consume it directly due to it's WCF nature. But no, there's not even a single article on MSDN or a blog post out there on the net about this topic.