
2023-09-03 13:04:51 作者:沒吃藥感覺自己萌萌噠


Can you see downsides to this one-liner other than the fact that multiple uses of it would violate the DRY principle? It seems straightforward but the fact that I haven't seen others propose it makes me wonder if there's a downside to it.

的code此位将创建一个 WeakReference的以一个方法,然后注册一个事件处理程序调用参考的目标。

This bit of code creates a WeakReference to a method and then registers an event handler that invokes the reference's target.

SomeEvent += (sender, e) => ((Action)(new WeakReference((Action)ProcessEvent)).Target)();

谢谢, 本

Thanks, Ben


我不认为这个模式做你的期望。你持有一个引用当前对象,以prevent内存泄漏试图prevent事件?拉姆达EX pression将捕获的值,以评估中的processEvent (假设中的processEvent 是一个实例方法),所以你仍然有泄漏。这code是一样的做 SomeEvent + =(发件人,E)=>中的processEvent();

I don't think that pattern does what you expect. Are you trying to prevent the event from holding a reference to the current object so as to prevent memory leaks? The lambda expression will capture the value of this in order to evaluate ProcessEvent (assuming ProcessEvent is an instance method), so you will still have the leak. This code is the same as doing SomeEvent += (sender, e) => ProcessEvent();.


You may be trying to do something more like this (which also isn't what you want):

var reference = new WeakReference((Action)ProcessEvent);
SomeEvent += (sender, e) => ((Action)reference.Target)();

现在拉姆达EX pression将捕获的WeakReference,所以你不会有很强的参考。不幸的是,没有别的引用从创建的processEvent的代表,所以它会在下次GC删除,即使还活着。 (这也不会检查目标为空)。

Now the lambda expression will capture the WeakReference, so you won't have a strong reference to this. Unfortunately, nothing else is referencing the delegate created from ProcessEvent, so it will be removed on the next GC even if this is still alive. (This also doesn't check for Target being null).


public EventHandler MakeWeakHandler(Action action, Action<EventHandler> remove)
    var reference = new WeakReference(action.Target);
    var method = action.Method;
    EventHandler handler = null;
    handler = delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var target = reference.Target;
        if (target != null)
            method.Invoke(target, null);
    return handler;


and then use it like this:

SomeEvent += MakeWeakHandler(ProcessEvent, h => SomeEvent -= h);


That will keep a weak reference to the receiver of ProcessEvent, and will automatically remove the event handler from the event after it has been collected, which should prevent memory leaks as long as the event is raised regularly.