
2023-09-03 12:46:43 作者:我欲过天


var object = default(T);


But when all you have is a Type instance I could only

constructor = type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
var parameters = new object[0];
var obj = constructor.Invoke(parameters);


var obj = type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(new object[0]);


Isn't there a shorter way, like the generics version?



The closest available is Activator.CreateInstance:

object o = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

...但当然,这依赖于那里是一个公共参数的构造函数。 (其他重载允许您指定构造函数的参数。)

... but of course this relies on there being a public parameterless constructor. (Other overloads allow you to specify constructor arguments.)


I've used an explicitly typed variable here to make it clear that we really don't have a variable of the type itself... you can't write:

Type t = typeof(MemoryStream);
// Won't compile
MemoryStream ms = Activator.CreateInstance(t);

例如。返回值的CreateInstance 的编译时类型总是对象

for example. The compile-time type of the return value of CreateInstance is always object.

注意默认(T)的不会的创建一个引用类型的实例 - 它给出了类型,默认值是引用类型空引用。相比之下,与的CreateInstance 这实际上将创建一个新的对象。

Note that default(T) won't create an instance of a reference type - it gives the default value for the type, which is a null reference for reference types. Compare that with CreateInstance which would actually create a new object.