C#铸造不同的方式 - (T)VS OBJ OBJ为T不同、方式、OBJ、VS

2023-09-03 12:29:01 作者:▓咖啡加点酒

可能重复:   铸造VS使用'为'在CLR


I have seen two different ways of casting in C#.


MyObj foo = (MyObj) bar; // this is what I see most of the times
MyObj foo = bar as MyObj; // I do see this sometimes

那么,什么是基本的区别是什么? 什么是正确的名称为风格1 风格2 铸造? 如何决定什么时候使用什么? 是否有任何重大的性能问题? 还有什么我应该知道的有关这个主题?

So, what is the basic difference? What are the proper names for the style 1 and style 2 casting? How do I decide when to use what? Is there any major performance issues? Is there anything else I should know of related to this topic?


Thanks a lot for looking into this :)


第一个(直接或C风格中投)抛出一个异常,如果中投是无效的。它也是对对象执行实际类型转换的唯一途径。 (请注意,类型转换是从铸造不同,因为铸造只是更改的类型的变量的,而类型转换给你一个*不同类型的对象。)

The first one (a "direct" or "C-style" cast) throws an exception if the cast is invalid. It is also the only way to perform actual type conversion on the object. (Note that type conversion is different from casting, because casting merely changes the type of the variable, whereas type conversion gives you a *different type of object.)

第二个(没有特别的名字,虽然可以称之为试投,因为它被称为在VB.NET)的计算结果为的而不是抛出 InvalidCastException的的。 (这种行为,因为它仅适用于引用类型)。

The second one (no particular name, although you can call it "try cast" as it's called in VB.NET) evaluates to null instead of throwing an InvalidCastException. (Because of this behavior it only works for reference types).


No major performance issues compared to each other.


You use as only if you expect that your result might not be valid. Otherwise, use the first one.

另外, MSDN可能会有所帮助你的问题的一部分:

By the way, MSDN might be helpful for parts of your question:

运营商就像是一个转换操作。但是,如果转换是不可能的,作为回报,而不是抛出一个异常。请看下面的EX pression:

The as operator is like a cast operation. However, if the conversion is not possible, as returns null instead of raising an exception. Consider the following expression:

expression as type


这是等效于下面的前pression除了EX pression只计算一次。

It is equivalent to the following expression except that expression is evaluated only one time.

expression is type ? (type)expression : (type)null



Note that the as operator only performs reference conversions and boxing conversions. The as operator cannot perform other conversions, such as user-defined conversions, which should instead be performed by using cast expressions.