
2023-09-04 02:03:52 作者:一无所有就是打拼的理由i

我使用的xUnit和NMock在.NET平台。 我测试presentation模型,其中一个方法是异步的。 该方法创建一个异步任务,并执行它因此该方法立即返回,而我需要检查的状态都还没有准备好。

I am using Xunit and NMock on .NET platform. I am testing a presentation model where a method is asynchronous. The method creates an async task and executes it so the method returns immediately and the state I need to check aren't ready yet.


I can set a flag upon finish without modifying the SUT but that would mean I would have to keep checking the flag in a while loop for example, with perhaps timeout.




Does your object feature any sort of signal that the asynchronous method is finished, such as an event? If that is the case, you can use the following approach:

public void CanTestAsync()
    MyObject instance = new MyObject()
    AutoResetEvent waitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false); 
    // create and attach event handler for the "Finished" event
    EventHandler eventHandler = delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) 
        waitHandle.Set();  // signal that the finished event was raised
    instance.AsyncMethodFinished += eventHandler;

    // call the async method

    // Wait until the event handler is invoked
    if (!waitHandle.WaitOne(5000, false))  
        Assert.Fail("Test timed out.");  
    instance.AsyncMethodFinished -= eventHandler;    
    Assert.AreEqual("expected", instance.ValueToCheck);