如何prevent" aspxerrorpath"通过在asp.net错误页自定义错误页的查询字符串错误、自定义、字符串、QUOT

2023-09-03 11:55:32 作者:十里故清欢

在我的asp.net web应用程序我已经定义自定义错误页,我的web.config文件中,随后  <的customErrors模式=开的defaultRedirect =〜/ default.html>      <错误状态code =404重定向=〜/ PageNotFound.html/> < /的customErrors>

In my asp.net web application i have defined custom error pages in my web.config file as followed <customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/default.html"> <error statusCode="404" redirect="~/PageNotFound.html" /> </customErrors>


in case of error in my site page user is redirected to default.html page but it passes "aspxerrorpath" as query string parameter to the custom error page as following


页我不希望这样的行为我想重定向是简单地作为,   http://www.mysite.com/default.html

page i don't want that behavior i want the redirects to be simply as, http://www.mysite.com/default.html


is there a way to achieve this?


我的第一个想法是创建一个HttpHandler的惹人网址与 aspxerrorpath 在里面,去掉它。你也许可以在IIS7重写模块,以及这样做。

My first thought would be to create a HttpHandler which catches url's with aspxerrorpath in it, and strips it. You could probably do the same with the rewrite module in IIS7 as well.