获取AM / PM仅使用一个datetime格式的日期和时间以小写日期、格式、时间、AM

2023-09-03 11:51:19 作者:尨浩

我得到一个自定义DateTime格式,包括AM / PM指示,但我想要的AM或PM,以小写的没有的制作小写字符的其余部分。

I'm to get a custom DateTime format including the AM/PM designator, but I want the "AM" or "PM" to be lowercase without making the rest of of the characters lowercase.


Is this possible using a single format and without using a regex?


item.PostedOn.ToString("dddd, MMMM d, yyyy a\\t h:mmtt")



我会亲自格式化分为两部分:非AM / PM的一部分,和AM / PM的一部分与TOLOWER:

I would personally format it in two parts: the non-am/pm part, and the am/pm part with ToLower:

string formatted = item.PostedOn.ToString("dddd, MMMM d, yyyy a\\t h:mm") +

另一种选择(我将探讨在几秒钟之内),就是抓住当前的DateTimeFormatInfo,创建一个副本,并设置了AM / PM指示符的小写版本。然后使用普通格式的格式信息。你想要缓存的DateTimeFormatInfo,显然...

Another option (which I'll investigate in a sec) is to grab the current DateTimeFormatInfo, create a copy, and set the am/pm designators to the lower case version. Then use that format info for the normal formatting. You'd want to cache the DateTimeFormatInfo, obviously...


Despite my comment, I've written the caching bit anyway. It probably won't be faster than the code above (as it involves a lock and a dictionary lookup) but it does make the calling code simpler:

string formatted = item.PostedOn.ToString("dddd, MMMM d, yyyy a\\t h:mmtt",


Here's a complete program to demonstrate:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;

public class Test
    static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd, MMMM d, yyyy a\\t h:mmtt",

    private static readonly Dictionary<DateTimeFormatInfo,DateTimeFormatInfo> cache =
        new Dictionary<DateTimeFormatInfo,DateTimeFormatInfo>();

    private static object cacheLock = new object();

    public static DateTimeFormatInfo GetLowerCaseInfo()
        DateTimeFormatInfo current = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat;
        lock (cacheLock)
            DateTimeFormatInfo ret;
            if (!cache.TryGetValue(current, out ret))
                ret = (DateTimeFormatInfo) current.Clone();
                ret.AMDesignator = ret.AMDesignator.ToLower();
                ret.PMDesignator = ret.PMDesignator.ToLower();
                cache[current] = ret;
            return ret;